Practice Finance

Dental Real Estate Insurance

Dental Real Estate Insurance You Need to Protect Your Investment.

Editor’s Note:  Dental real estate insurance?  What? Practice owners often know they’ll need malpractice insurance, but in truth, several other insurances protect a practice and position it for success.  One of those dental real estate insurance, and you’ll need it regardless of whether you lease or own.  In this article, our industry partners, Treloar and […]

Dental Real Estate Insurance You Need to Protect Your Investment. Read More »

Navigating Dental Practice Financing and Location Decisions

Recently, a doctor let me know that she wanted to pause her search for a practice space because she felt too stressed about the impact of interest rates on dental practice finance. And it’s understandable, given the higher interest rates over the last couple of years.

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Dentist learning about tax advantages of dental practice ownership.

Are There Tax Advantages to Dental Practice Ownership?

Dental Practice Ownership isn’t for the faint of heart.  As one client said, “If it was easy, everyone would do it.”  In many ways, practice owners double their personal finances and responsibilities, with different rules at every turn.  In addition to a home mortgage, they now also pay a commercial real estate lease.  On top of managing personal finances, they now also manage a profit and loss sheet.  And instead of accounting for and filing one set of taxes, they file two.  

Are There Tax Advantages to Dental Practice Ownership? Read More »

Dental Procedure

Dental Office Cost & How to Break Them Down

Problem Estimating a potential dental office cost is overwhelming. Solution Whether you’re interested in buying a practice or starting up, Practice Real Estate Group offers a free Expense and Timeline Generator that helps you get a scope of your expenses with just 4 quick questions. It’s essentially a medical office space calculator.  You’ll receive a

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Dental Real Estate Austin

Rising Interest Rates and Dental Real Estate

If you’ve been researching dental real estate for any period of time, you know the market has boomed in recent years. However, as interest rates continue to rise, there is a buzz in the air about the market slowing down. Clients that were set on searching for a dental clinic for lease this year are

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