When Dr. Zamarippa and Dr. Almany reached out to Todd Stanley at Practice Real Estate Group, they were on a time crunch. 

Two Veterinarians Join Forces to Start a Practice and Win a Space Despite Multiple Offers and a Time Crunch

Dr. Zamarippa and Dr. Almany were in a time crunch.  The veterinary clinic that they were practicing at had just been bought by a larger company and the doctors had a deadline by which they needed to re-sign, start applying for other jobs, or start their practice.  The two wanted to step out on their own and practice veterinary medicine with a vision unique to their values and experience, so they decided to start their practice.  

They knew residential real estate, but they had no idea how complicated commercial real estate was.  

Their lender put them in touch with Todd Stanley at Practice Real Estate Group (PRG), a brokerage that had opened hundreds of medical, dental, and veterinary practices.  Todd immediately returned their call.  

“We knew we needed representation because we did not know anything about starting a new veterinary practice,”

said Dr. Zamarripa.  

The doctors knew where they wanted to locate their clinic, so PRG launched a search for medical office space for lease in San Antonio, TX.  But when the reports came back, there was only one location suitable for medical offices – and it already had multiple offers.  The competition didn’t dissuade the doctors – they wanted that specific space.  

Todd agreed and believed that the space was great for medical offices, perfect for their vision, and worth trying to win.  

“We really needed Todd to come in and help us with that process so that we could get favorable lease terms – things that were in our best interest – and also so that we could get the lease space for ourselves versus it going to someone else,”

said Dr. Zamarippa.

As Todd waded into negotiations, it was clear to both him and the doctors that the most patient team was the team that was going to be successful.  So, he negotiated with skillful patience.  Meanwhile, he was introducing the doctors to other connections that they would need to build out their space – from construction groups to architects.

“We really wanted to come here and we wanted this space and we had to make sure  – through Todd – that this is where we ended up,”

said Dr. Zamarippa.

Just as the deadline to re-sign their contracts approached, the doctors were able to sign the lease on their very own medical office space.  

“I really do not think we would have gotten through the negotiation process without Todd,”

said Dr. Almany.

Today, they are in their dream location – one that has positioned them for success.